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Vince Delmonte

Nicknamed Skinny Vinny - and shot up to an impressive 190 pounds - gaining 41 pounds of rock-hard muscle and then became a Canadian Fitness Model Champion.


I wanted to show the people with no money how to build the same ripped, muscular physiques as the ones who can afford supplements and expensive gym memberships.

Brandon Carter

I'm a personal trainer and also a nutritionist. I'm also working as a fitness model for many of America’s top Fitness companies including NIKE, PUMA, Reebok and Brand JORDAN.

Peter Carvell

I'm one of the worlds top home fitness and six pack abs experts provides you with powerful workouts to help you ger ripped fast.

Jeff Cavaliere

I'm a former physical therapist turned strength coach who currently works with several of today’s top professional athletes.

Name: Peter Carvell
Age: 31
Weight: 80kg / 176 lbs

Peter Carvell is without a doubt one of the world’s top six pack abs experts today. The proof is in the pudding, as a Fitness Professional whom started out losing 100lbs himself, he knows exactly what it takes to get rid of that excess fat fast and get ripped ABS like never before.

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